Thursday 6 August 2015

all about the A-Z of Recovery

Hey guys, so this is the beginning of something new for us!

So thanks to a lot of time spent on Pinterest, I came across some pictures known as the A-Z/ABC's of Recovery. Now these pictures include specific words that are associated with each letter of the alphabet  and this word corresponds with a specific act that makes recovery not just possible, but easier. now recovery is an ongoing process (that we are ALWAYS talking about) and it is something that will never end for us but when I first began my recovery from the 'bad things' in my life, I didn't really know what I should do in order to actually help myself. I find this idea really helpful because there are things that are highlighted that I have never thought of as ways to help us feel better about ourselves as we go through our own individual journeys.

Once a week (no promises because you all know how bad I am at sticking to a guideline) there will be a new letter of the alphabet with my own interpretation of what I think it means. It's open to your own interpretation too of course. in fact, you can comment your views on each weeks post and what it means to you! That would be a good way to promote recovery in our little community.
Go team internet!
Love Louise xoxo

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